Paldo Mr Kimchi Noodle x Simon Lau “A Cow” From A1 Chinese Radio Video Went Viral on Facebook!
We invited famous DJ Simon Lau from A1 Radio to create a video for our new product – Paldo Mr Kimchi Noodle which has been spread quickly and widely among Facebook social media.
Simon Lau – affectionately known as ‘Ah Cow’ who is very popular in Chinese Canadian community, began broadcasting on radio in 1997 and has an enviable record of hosting the CHIN Picnic for 16 straight years. He has shared countless stage time with visiting pop stars from Hong Kong and has organized many star-studded shows.
Check out the video below!
在多倫多。。。。牛牛,獨の美食家衝擊你的聽覺,視覺和味覺記得下星期聽星島A1中文電台下午全線節目請你食記得下星期聽星島A1中文電台下午全線節目請你食八道 Mr.Kimchi手作泡菜拉面#八道MrKimchi手作泡菜拉面#八道#八道泡菜先生手作泡菜拉面#Mrkimchi
Posted by A1中文電台 星島A1 Chinese Radio on Friday, 7 February 2020